
Sunday, December 14, 2014

On the Twelth Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me..

12 Drummers Drumming!

So the first short story in My True Love Gave to Me is Midnights by Rainbow Rowell.

I wasn't sure what to expect for this short story because I have never read anything by Rainbow Rowell. I hear that she's an amazing writer, but I've held off from reading her books because they are in third person. I really don't like third person books. They are slightly hard to relate to, and my mind wanders if it's not in first person.

Anyway, I was still excited to read the story because I wanted to know if it was worth reading her other books. After reading the story, I was a little disappointed. First of all, it's a New Years story, and I wanted to read about Christmas. Despite the setback, I didn't let that affect my opinion. I just didn't like the story all that much. I think it had a good concept, but I feel like it was lacking something although, I don't know what. And I didn't really like the characters. It was a cute enough story, just not for me.

3/5 Stars

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